Fit For The Festive Season

Christmas and the festive season is a very tough time. Its cold, wet and dark when we’re leaving for work and the same coming home. It’s very tough to stay motivated and keep up our regular workout routine or to start a new one but now is an important time of the year to look after our bodies. Here are our top tips to stay motivated.


When you’re getting up on a dark, miserable winter morning, the last thing you want to think about is whether you have clean gym gear and where it is! Fail to prepare and prepare to fail. Pack your bag and leave out your training shoes the night before so everything is ready to step into as soon as you get up.

Eat well

The saying you are what you eat is true. If you chow down on healthy, whole foods your body will feel leaner, you’ll have more energy and you’ll be less tired waking up. If you gorge on stodgy processed food every day, your body will slow down and your weight will come up. We’re not saying you have to abstain from all of the yummy festive food, just take everything in moderation!

Do It Early

Christmas is a great time of the year for impromptu drinks with friends after work or a spot of last-minute shopping at lunch. Try to get your workout out of the way in the morning, before work so you can stay fit while enjoying fun spur of the moment plans in the evening.

Follow A Routine

If a workout is part of your usual routine, it should stay that way rain hail or shine. Its hard to break a habit so make it a good one! Try to work out with friends regularly for more motivation.


A lot of us have some extra time off work over the season so take advantage of it. Take every opportunity to explore the natural wonders that surround you. Go for a walk you’ve never done before or take up cycling or jogging in the local park for something a little different. Take your dog for an extra long walk, don’t worry he is already wearing a fur coat!


Over the summer months, all we want to do is stay cool so we end up drinking litres of water, juices and ice-pops. In the winter its not as easy. Cold water from the tap doesn’t seem so attractive when you’re already freezing! Proper hydration is so important all year round so try to consume more hot drinks. Try a herbal tea or hot water with lemon for a change. There are all sorts of fancy cordials to flavour your water and encourage you to drink more.

Think of The Chocolate!

Remember, if you lose weight before Christmas you won’t feel as guilty eating a selection box for breakfast on Christmas morning! Joking aside, everyone wants to enjoy their Christmas without too much restriction, just make sure it’s not at the expense of your hard earned waistline.

If you want to stay fit over this year’s festivities, Osprey Leisure Club can help. We offer state of the art equipment and our coaches offer expert advice year-round. Try one of our short-term or year-long memberships to make a difference to your health today.