Benefits of Swimming for Children

Our children’s health is a parent’s highest priority, often a higher priority than our own health. With so many ways to encourage children to be active and promote wellbeing, what is your favourite way to keep them happy and healthy? We encourage swimming as a regular exercise for our clients and their children, especially when you see the benefits of swimming to your kid’s fitness and health. Osprey Leisure Club offers adults and children swim lessons to suit all ages and skill levels. Contact our friendly team today to learn more about taking care of your children’s health in Naas. Learning to swim contributes to children’s health, fitness and development in many ways. Swimming benefits their mental and physical development, improves their social skills and confidence and builds skills for safety.

Physical benefits

One of the main benefits of children’s swimming lessons is the increased cardiovascular activity that helps to expand and develop the capacity of their heart. The lungs and heart are tested and trained, making them more durable and stronger. Because of the nature of the exercise, their muscles become stronger and endurance is increased. Swimming also enhances the flexibility and balance of the body. Swimming, like all physical activity, contributes to children’s overall health and may avoid problems associated with childhood obesity.

Develops social skills

If your children are enjoying swimming lessons, the likelihood is they are part of a team or a group learning together. This allows them to develop valuable social engagement skills, different from those picked up in school. When your children are involved in a group activity, they meet others with similar interests, often leading to new friendships outside of the group. Swimming together with your kids is a great bonding experience and leads to a stronger relationship with shared interests.

Develops safety skills

Swimming lessons first and foremost are focused on safety and developing a safe way of moving through the water. Learning to swim gives children essential and possibly life-saving skills that everyone should have. It encourages them to be independent in the water and essential skills to get themselves out of difficulty in case they should experience it. Children’s swimming lessons help them learn to swim longer distances, learn different strokes and be safe in and around water with an increased awareness of the risks. You always need to supervise your children in water regardless of their abilities.

Increases confidence

When learning to swim for the first time, many children can be fearful of the water. However, by using delicate techniques and gradually building up skills, children can overcome their swimming fears and develop confidence both in the water and with their peers. This confidence is helpful in social situations, allowing them to communicate more effectively and building self-esteem. By creating a fun atmosphere at swimming lessons, children will also develop a positive attitude toward physical activity. It can encourage friendly competition between peers.

Sleeping patterns

Aside from all of the other wonderful benefits of swimming, it also tires your little ones out! If you have a child that has trouble sleeping or is restless in the evenings, you’ll see a huge improvement once they start regular swimming lessons. After a period of increased pressure on the heart, lungs, and muscles the body needs time to recover and most of this recovery happens during sleep. That means more quality sleep and better concentration the following day. Due to the increase of endorphins in the brain when exercising, swimming also helps kids to effectively relieve and cope with stress better.

Lessons in Osprey

If you are interested in children’s swimming lessons in Naas, Osprey Leisure Club offers a range of classes from beginners to advanced skills. Our 20-meter deck level swimming pool is ideal for swimming laps, relaxing with the family or for winding down after a long day at work. The pool is heated to a comfortable temperature ideal for young babies and children. We also have a kid's pool open from 9 am-7 pm. Contact one of our friendly team to discuss ways to improve your children’s health through swimming lessons.

Osprey Leisure Club offers flexible memberships for solos, couples, groups and families. Our experienced and friendly staff are always on hand to help or guide you. Check our website to learn more about the range of classes & our membership options.